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Bullet Physics13

Rigid Body Dynamics Introduction The rigid body dynamics is implemented on top of the collision detection module. It adds forces, mass, inertia, velocity and constraints. • btRigidBody is used to simulate single 6-degree of freedom moving objects. btRigidBody is derived from btCollisionObject, so it inherits its world transform, friction and restitution and adds linear and angular velocity. • btRigidBody는 단일 6 자유도 .. 2020. 12. 2.
Collision Filtering (selective collisions) Bullet provides three easy ways to ensure that only certain objects collide with each other: masks, broadphase filter callbacks and nearcallbacks. It is worth noting that mask-based collision selection happens a lot further up the toolchain than the callback do. In short, if masks are sufficient for your purposes, use them; they perform better and are a lot simpler to use. Of course, don't try t.. 2020. 12. 2.
Bullet Collision Detection Collision Detection The collision detection provides algorithms and acceleration structures for closest point (distance and penetration) queries as well as ray and convex sweep tests. The main data structures are: 충돌 감지는 가장 가까운 지점 (거리 및 침투) 쿼리와 광선 및 볼록 스윕 테스트에 대한 알고리즘 및 가속 구조를 제공합니다. 주요 데이터 구조는 다음과 같습니다. • btCollisionObject is the object that has a world transform and a collision shape. • btColl.. 2020. 12. 2.
Basic Data Types and Math Library The basic data types, memory management and containers are located in Bullet/src/LinearMath. 기본 데이터 유형, 메모리 관리 및 컨테이너는 Bullet / src / LinearMath에 있습니다. • btScalar A btScalar is a posh word for a floating point number. In order to allow to compile the library in single floating point precision and double precision, we use the btScalar data type throughout the library, By default, btScalar is a ty.. 2020. 12. 2.
Rigid Body Physics Pipeline Before going into detail, the following diagram shows the most important data structures and computation stages in the Bullet physics pipeline. This pipeline is executed from left to right, starting by applying gravity, and ending by position integration, updating the world transform. 자세히 설명하기 전에 다음 다이어그램은 Bullet 물리 파이프 라인에서 가장 중요한 데이터 구조와 계산 단계를 보여줍니다. 이 파이프 라인은 왼쪽에서 오른쪽으로 실행되며 중력을 적용하여 시작하고 위치.. 2020. 12. 2.
Library Overview Introduction The main task of a physics engine is to perform collision detection, resolve collisions and other constraints, and provide the updated world transform1 for all the objects. This chapter will give a general overview of the rigid body dynamics pipeline as well as the basic data types and math library shared by all components. 물리 엔진의 주요 임무는 충돌 감지를 수행하고, 충돌 및 기타 제약을 해결하고, 모든 객체에 대해 업데이트.. 2020. 12. 2.